Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Do Likewise

While getting a pedicure at the airport yesterday (because it is in the 80s here and I needed to fix up my "Camino feet" to get them flip flop ready!), it dawned on me that my technician was doing for me what Jesus did for his disciples.

Arguably the most vivid image of Jesus serving that we have is him kneeling before the disciples with a basin of water and a towel. Including the disciples Judas, who would betray him, and Peter, who would deny him three times. (See John 13.)

But Jesus doesn't just serve his disciples. He tells them -- and, in turn, us -- to go and do likewise.

As my nail technician and I discussed Alzheimer's disease, how vacations have changed since we grew up, studying abroad, and the remnants of my Camino blisters, I wondered if she didn't have a corner on this whole notion of "serving". Was she, as well as podiatrists, shoe salesmen, massage therapists, etc., being more obedient to this call to serve than the rest of us?

There are certainly jobs that require people to directly serve one another -- and not just those involving feet -- but I think no matter what your profession, we are all given opportunities to serve in the workplace. Whether that be at home, in the office, at the salon, or in a classroom.

Some serve clients. Living with a chef, I certainly see Rand serve others through not only delicious food but also the way he cares for all the details to make a person's event everything they dreamed of. Some serve students. Others have the opportunity to serve their co-workers, bosses or the people they lead. Some serve at home, through taking care of household chores, maintenance issues, loving our spouses, getting the kids ready for school or helping them with their homework. Others have the opportunity to serve people they may never actually meet, through words, music, or art.

The point is, we are all called to "do likewise", and when God calls us to do something He always gives us opportunities to do that thing.

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